Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Big Brother 25: Who Did HOH Matt Nominate in Week 13 on BB25? #bigbrother
Big Brother player Matt Klotz proved his mettle, with Matt emerging as the Head of Household, right after their double eviction round.
The evictions saw Blue Kim and America Lopez exit the house, leaving tensions high among the remaining contestants.
Matt's new HOH victory led to the nomination of Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields for eviction, with the former being his primary target.
The strategic conversations between Matt and Jag, as well as between Cirie and Bowie Jane Ball, were the highlights of the week. Matt and Jag's discussion revealed their alliance with Bowie, while Cirie and Bowie debated Felicia's constant presence on the nomination block. The housemates are now eagerly awaiting the Power of Veto competition, which will determine the final nominations.
The drama did not stop there, with Felicia's profanity-laced tirades and Cirie's calm approach adding to the entertainment. With Matt, Jag, and Bowie, now self-dubbed as the "Mafia", controlling the house, it remains to be seen what turn the next eviction will take. As the game progresses, the Big Brother house promises more twists and turns, with the final three seemingly secure in their positions.
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