Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Big Brother: Blue Targets Cory and America #bigbrother
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On CBS's Big Brother, the spotlight is currently on Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez (After Zombies Jared and Cameron, of course). The pair's blossoming showmance has become a hot topic, being a significant target within the BB 25 house.
Cory played a pivotal role in the eviction of both Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields, making him a possible target for both the possible returnees.
Meanwhile, Blue Kim has been stirring tensions, working to turn the house against the budding couple.
Cirie, a seasoned player known for her strategic maneuvers, has managed to rebuild a safe position, not currently being a target of any particular alliance.
As Jared seems more interested in revenge than playing the game, his potential return could cause a major upheaval in the house and make for riveting reality TV.
The question remains: Will Cameron blow his advantage, allowing Jared to return and target America and Cory? The upcoming final zombie competition promises to be a game changer.
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