Friday Oct 27, 2023
Big Brother: Double Eviction | Who Was Evicted in Week 12 on BB25 #bigbrother
Big Brother viewers got to see a double eviction, leaving a final five of Matt Klotz, Jag Bains, Cirie Fields, Felicia Cannon, and Bowie Jane Ball.
The night began with tense moments as both Jag and Matt were at risk, with America Lopez's eviction being a possible game-changer. However, Bowie Jane showcased her competitive spirit and won the head of household, nominating Felicia and America.
Despite the strategic lies of Felicia, the house unanimously voted to send America home, with Cirie, Jag, and Matt leading the charge. The eviction has left America Lopez heading to the jury house, effectively leaving Matt and Jag in a powerful position.
With Felicia's recent behavior, she might be the next house target unless she wins the next head of household. The results of the coming head of household will be revealed in Sunday's episode, with an update expected on Friday. The remaining powerhouses, Matt and Jag, along with Bowie, Felicia, and Cirie, are all set to make the following week interesting as they battle it out towards the final four.
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