Monday Oct 23, 2023
Big Brother: POV Meeting Results for Week 12 | Guess Who’s Going to BB25 Jury? #bigbrother
Big Brother's HOH, Jag Bains, continues to dominate both Head of Household and POV comps.
Jag has won back-to-back head of household and power of veto competitions. However, despite America Lopez's efforts to convince him otherwise, Jag decided not to use his power of veto.
So, the final nominees this week are Blue Kim and America Lopez.
Matt Klotz, Jag's closest ally, is also pushing for Blue's eviction.
However, whispers of potential game-changing moves have been circulating, including Cirie Fields's plan to keep Blue in the house to target Jag and Matt. Bowie Jane Ball and Felicia Cannon are also part of the voting panel, and their decisions could swing the game.
Much drama is expected in the upcoming live eviction and the double eviction, especially with Felicia seemingly betraying various alliances. It remains to be seen whether Cirie Fields and Felicia Cannon will shake up the vote and force Jag Bains to make a tough decision.
Stay tuned for more Big Brother updates and spoilers.
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