Friday Oct 20, 2023
Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won HOH on BB25 Week 12? #bigbrother
Big Brother houseguest, Jag Bains, has won back-to-back head of household competitions in week 11 and 12.
A crucial question now is who Jag will target, as the house count dwindles down to seven and he holds alliances in several areas. Matt Klotz, his trusted ally, and Bowie Jane Ball, their third wheel, are most likely safe.
However, the duos of Cirie Fields and Felicia Cannon, and the now kinda duo of America Lopez and Blue Kim could potentially face eviction.
Jag is reportedly eyeing America Lopez as a key block nominee, while Matt is keen to remove Blue from the game. Tensions are also rising with Bowie Jane Ball, who refused to be a pawn last week.
The show's ratings have seen a dip, from a high of 3.5 million viewers to a recent 2.7 million. Despite the lower viewership, the drama within the Big Brother house continues to unfold, particularly with the looming double eviction on Thursday.
This season has been marked by unusual harmony among house guests, with players largely getting along and evictions proceeding without much controversy. However, as the game intensifies, fans are eagerly watching to see who will make the next big move.
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