Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Big Brother: Who Jag Nominated and Why | Week 11 BB25 Results #bigbrother
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Big Brother, week 11 has seen a shakeup with Jag Bains taking the helm as Head of Household (HOH).
In a surprising twist, Jag has kept his HOH status a secret behind the veil of invisibility, only revealing his status to a select few.
This update also delves into the aftermath of Cameron Hardin's eviction and the scramble of events in Big Brother 25 that led to Jag's victory in the head of household competition.
Jag's strategic play continued as he nominated Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon for eviction, revealing his primary target as Blue. However, the power of invisibility and multiplicity veto are still in play, keeping the house on edge. Notably, only three housemates, Felicia, Blue, and Cirie Fields, remain in the dark about Jag's reign as HOH.
Despite Jag's attempts at manipulation, suspicions are high, particularly from Cirie, who believes either Jag or her ally Matt Klotz must be the HOH. The upcoming veto competition is set to make a significant impact, with two powers of veto at stake. As the housemates prepare to battle it out, the suspense continues to build in Big Brother 25.
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