Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Big Brother: Who Won Final HOH Round 2 | Round 1 Was Rigged! #bb25
Big Brother players, Jag Bains and Matt Klotz, have dominated the BB25 this season.
The duo also conspired to rig Round #1 of the HOH comp. Matt and Jag had a secret strategy to ensure that Matt won the first part of the final three head of household competitions.
Revealed on the live feeds, Matt and Jag shared their plan to wait until Bowie fell out of the competition before Jag would follow suit, ensuring Matt's victory.
Jag and Matt's strategy continued into round two, where Bowie was encouraged by Jag to throw the comp, implying he could easily defeat Matt in round three. And, then he would take Bowie to final 2.
The live feeds on Tuesday revealed a disheartened Bowie confessing to Matt that she lost to Jag in the second round. The question remains if she deliberately lost or was outplayed. The upcoming Thursday's live finale will see Matt versus Jag, with the winner deciding who to send to the jury and who to take to the final two.
Despite the warnings from Felicia Cannon about the inability to beat each other, Matt and Jag seem unfazed. The remaining episodes promise to be filled with intrigue as Big Brother 25 draws to a close. The actor's performances and the unfolding of their strategies continue to keep viewers on their toes.
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