Friday Sep 29, 2023
Big Brother: Who Won HOH After Zombie Re-Entry Competition? #bigbrother
Big Brother on CBS saw a notoriously a competition beast, winning the Head of Household for the third time.
This achievement has secured his spot in the jury. Cameron, known for his impressive puzzle-solving abilities, managed to outsmart the other contestants in this week's HOH challenge which was, interestingly, a puzzle.
Cameron, who is currently aligned with Matt Klotz and Jag Bains, is speculated to replace Blue Kim with Bowie Jane Ball in their secretive alliance. However, tensions are building as Cameron is perceived as a threat due to his competitive nature. Big Brother live feeds reveal that Cameron is considering nominating Felicia Cannon, and Mecole Hayes. Surprisingly, Cameron's anti-Felicia campaign has raised eyebrows as she is not considered a competitive threat.
Meanwhile, Cirie Fields, who was mostly preoccupied with cleaning up after Jared Fields, can now fully concentrate on her game. Interestingly, Cirie, the Survivor alum, is eyeing the eviction of Cory Wurtenberger and Cameron Hardin. Despite the tussle, Cirie and Cameron have been spotted discussing their strategy to break up the bromance between Matt and Jag. The next set of nomination spoilers is eagerly awaited by Big Brother fans.
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