Friday Oct 13, 2023
Big Brother: Who Won HoH? BB25 Comics Comp Triggers Power of Invisibility in Week 11 #bigbrother
In the latest episode of CBS's popular reality show, Big Brother, fans saw the eviction of Cameron Hardin followed by an intense competition for the Head of Household (HOH) crown. Bowie Jane, the outgoing HOH, watched as houseguests donned their BB comics gear and individually competed in the BB comics comp, which triggered the power of invisibility.
In the early morning hours, the live feeds revealed that Jag Bains had secretly emerged as the new HOH. He struggled with his decision of who to nominate, contemplating putting Cirie Fields and Felicia Cannon back on the chopping block. However, Jag wants to keep his HOH identity a secret and worries that nominating Blue Kim could expose him.
Meanwhile, other houseguests speculated about the winning time for the competition. Matt Klotz, Cory Wurtenberger, and America Lopez all reported slower times, leading to suspicions that Jag might be the new HOH. Blue Kim, fearing she may be a target, was seen shedding tears, but others suspected they were fake.
The upcoming Power of Veto competition promises to add another layer of intrigue to Big Brother 25. As of now, it seems like Jag wants to see Blue out of the house, but whether he can do so without revealing his secret position remains to be seen.
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